Hiking in Boulder, CO | Chautauqua Park


When we got rained out of North Carolina, we decided to extend our trip last minute and drive out to my favorite state: Colorado. 

It was Tyler’s first time in Boulder and I was SO excited to spend the entire day hiking and exploring with him. I really like Boulder because of the vibrant, active lifestyle that its residents hold. Everywhere you go, you see people hiking, biking, climbing, etc. Honestly, Colorado in general is like that. It’s just so refreshing and beautiful.

We ended up getting some breakfast at Bonfire Burritos (my FAVORITE PLACE EVER) in Golden and ate by the river. After that, we ended up heading over to Boulder and jumping onto the Chautauqua Park trail!


The trail was absolutely beautiful and we even stumbled upon wild deer! We were just a few feet away from them!


Wildlife was definitely abundant here; the only thing we were missing was an elk! That is the main thing he was wanting to see while we were out.

Fun fact: everywhere we go, Tyler carves our initials into a tree.

Fun fact: everywhere we go, Tyler carves our initials into a tree.

I’m so happy that we had such a blast in Boulder! Excited to go back very soon!


Camping in Lake Santeetlah, NC